Selected Citations in Web Of Science. Author= A. Mrvar

Direct link to Citations in Web of Science
  • Paper:
    BATAGELJ, Vladimir, MRVAR, Andrej. Pajek: a program for large network analysis. Connections (Tor.), Fall 1998, vol. 21, no. 2, 47-57. Citations.
  • Monograph:
    de NOOY, Wouter, MRVAR, Andrej, and BATAGELJ, Vladimir. Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek. 2005. New York: Cambridge University Press. Structural Analysis in Social Sciences. Citations.
Citations of other publications:
  1. Žavbi, R. and Duhovnik, J. (1996): The Analytic Hierarchy Process and Functional Appropriateness of Components of Technical Systems. Journal of Engineering Design, 7, 313-327. Page: 319.
  2. Doreian, P., Kapuscinski, R., Krackhardt, D., and Szczypula, J. (1996): A Brief History of Balance Through Time. Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 21, 113-131. Page: 120.
  3. Batagelj, V. (1997): Notes on Blockmodeling. Social Networks, 19, 143-155. Page: 147.
  4. Batagelj, V., Ferligoj, A., and Doreian, P. (1998): Fitting Pre-specified Blockmodels. In: Hayashi, C., Ohsumi, N., Yayima, K., Tanaka, Y., Bock, H.H., and Baba, Y. (Eds.): Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization: Data Science, Classification, and Related Models. Tokyo: Springer-Verlag, 1998. Page: 203.
  5. Burt, R.S. (2000): Decay Functions. Social Networks, 22, 1-28.
  6. Quigley A. and Eades P.: (2001): FADE: Graph Drawing, Clustering and Visual Abstraction. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1984. Proceedings of Symposium on Graph Drawing, GD'00, Colinial Villiamsburg, USA, September 2000, Springer-Verlag. Page: 199.
  7. Doreian, P. and Krackhardt, D. (2001): Pre-Transitive Balance Mechanisms for Signed Networks. Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 25, 43-67.
  8. Doreian, P. (2001): Causality in Social Network Analysis. Sociol. Method Res., 30, 81-114.
  9. Newman, M.E.J., Strogatz, S.H., Watts, D.J. (2001): Random Graphs with Arbitrary Degree Distributions and Their Applications - art. no. 026118. Phys Rev E 6402(2) 6118-+ Part 2, August 2001. Page 173.
  10. Brandes, U. (2001): A Faster Algorithm for Betweenness Centrality. Journal of Mathematical Socioloy 25(2). Page 175.
  11. Doreian, P. (2002): Event sequences as generators of social network evolution. Social Networks, 24, 93-119.
  12. Bramsen, J. (2002): Further algebraic results in the theory of balance. Journal of Mathematical Socioloy 26(4). 309-319.
  13. Hummon, N.P. and Doreian, P. (2002): Some dynamics of social balance processes: bringing Heider back into balance theory. Social Networks, 25, 17-49. Page 17.
  14. Newman, M.E.J. (2003): The structure and function of complex networks SIAM REV, 45 (2), 167-256.
  15. Adamic, L.A., Adar E (2003): Friends and neighbors on the Web. Social Networks, 25, 211-230.
  16. Wang, Z.G., Thorngate, W. (2003): Sentiment and social mitosis: Implications of Heider's balance theory. JASSS, 6, U26-U45.
  17. Newman, M.E.J. and Park J.(2003): Why social networks are different from other types of networks. PHYS REV E 68 (3): art. no. 036122 Part 2.
  18. Newman, M.E.J. (2004): Coauthorship networks and patterns of scientific collaboration. P NATL ACAD SCI USA 101: 5200-5205 Suppl. 1 APR 6 2004.
  19. Hatzimanikatis, V., Li C.H., Ionita, J.A., et al. (2005): Exploring the diversity of complex metabolic networks. BIOINFORMATICS 21: 1603-1609.
  20. Schank, T., Wagner, D. (2005): Finding, counting and listing all triangles in large graphs, an experimental study. LECT NOTES COMPUT SC 3503: 606-609.
  21. Kulakowski, K., Gawronski, P., Gronek, P. (2005): The Heider balance: A continuous approach. INT J MOD PHYS C 16 (5): 707-716.
  22. Lyon, S.M., Magliveras, S.S. (2006): Kinship, computing, and anthropology. SOCIAL SCIENCE COMPUTER REVIEW, 24 (1): 30-42.
  23. Charon, I., Denoeud, L., Guenoche, A., et al. (2006): Maximum transfer distance between partitions. JOURNAL OF CLASSIFICATION, 23 (1): 103-121.
  24. Yang, B. (2006): Self-organizing network evolving model for mining network community structure. LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, 4093: 404-415.
  25. Yin, L.C., Kretschmer, H., Hanneman, R.A., et al. (2006): Connection and stratification in research collaboration: An analysis of the COLLNET network. INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT 42, 1599-1613.
  26. Batagelj, V., Zaversnik, M. (2007): Short cycle connectivity. DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, 307 (3-5): 310-318, FEB 6 2007
  27. Ziberna, A. (2007): Generalized blockmodeling of valued networks. SOCIAL NETWORKS, 29(1): 105-126, JAN 2007
  28. Yang, B., Liu, D.Y. (2007): A heuristic clustering algorithm for mining communities in signed networks. JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 22(2): 320-328
  29. Kulakowski, K. (2007): Some recent attempts to simulate the Heider balance problem. COMPUTING IN SCIENCE & ENGINEERING , 9: 80-85.
  30. Tatem, A.J., Hay, S.I. (2007): Climatic similarity and biological exchange in the worldwide airline transportation network. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 274 (1617): 1489-1496
  31. Ludwig, M., Abell, P. (2007): An evolutionary model of social networks. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL 58, 97-105
  32. Yang, B., Cheung, W.K., Liu, J.M. (2007): Community mining from signed social networks. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, 19, 1333-1348
  33. van Leeuwen, H., Kliebenstein, D.J., West, M.A.L., et al. (2007): Natural variation among Arabidopsis thaliana accessions for transcriptome response to exogenous salicylic acid. PLANT CELL, 19, 2099-2110
  34. Frenkel, Z.M., Trifonov, E.N. (2007): Evolutionary networks in the formatted protein sequence space. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY, 14 (8), 1044-1057.
  35. Govindaraj, T. (2008): Characterizing performance in socio-technical systems: A modeling framework in the domain of nuclear power. OMEGA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE, 36 (1),10-21.
  36. Montgomery, J.D. (2007): The structure of norms and relations in patronage systems. SOCIAL NETWORKS, 29(4), 565-584.
  37. Schuchardt, K.L., Gibson, T., Stepban, E., et al. (2008): Applying content management to automated provenance capture. CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE, 20 (5), 541-554.
  38. Xiao, Y.H., Wu, W.T., Wang, H., et al. (2008): Symmetry-based structure entropy of complex networks. PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS,387 (11), 2611-2619.
  39. Adejumo, G., Duimering, P.R., and Zhong, Z.H. (2008): A balance theory approach to group problem solving. SOCIAL NETWORKS, 30 (1), 83-99.
  40. Janssens, F., Glanzel, W., De Moor, B. (2008): A hybrid mapping of information science. SCIENTOMETRICS, 75 (3), 607-631.
  41. Davis, G.B., Carley, K.M. (2008): Clearing the FOG: Fuzzy, overlapping groups for social networks. SOCIAL NETWORKS, 30 (3), 201-212.
  42. Doreian, P. (2008): A multiple indicator approach to blockmodeling signed networks. SOCIAL NETWORKS, 30 (3), 247-258.
  43. MacArthur, B.D., Sanchez-Garcia, R.J., and Anderson, J.W. (2008): Symmetry in complex networks. DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 156 (18), 3525-3531.
  44. Leydesdorff, L., Schank, T., Scharnhorst, A., et al. (2008): Animating the development of Social networks over time using a dynamic extension of multidimensional scaling. PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION, 17 (6), 611-626.
  45. Xiao, Y.H., MacArthur, B.D., Wang, H., et al. (2008): Network quotients: Structural skeletons of complex systems. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 78, (4), Article Number: 046102, Part 2.
  46. Latapy, M. (2008): Main-memory triangle computations for very large (sparse (power-law)) graphs. THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE, 407, (1-3), (458-473).
  47. Beiro, M.G., Alvarez-Hamelin, J.I., Busch, J.R. (2008): A low complexity visualization tool that helps to perform complex systems analysis. NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 10, Article Number: 125003.
  48. Guenoche, A. (2008): Comparison of algorithms in graph partitioning. RAIRO-OPERATIONS RESEARCH, 42 (4), 469-484.
  49. Frenkel, Z.M. (2008): Does protein relatedness require sequence matching? Alignment via networks in sequence space. JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE & DYNAMICS , 26 (2), 215-222.
  50. Saez-Rodriguez, J., Gayer, S., Ginkel, M., et al. (2008): Automatic decomposition of kinetic models of signaling networks minimizing the retroactivity among modules. BIOINFORMATICS, 24 (16), I213-I219.
  51. Zaslavsky, T. (2009): Totally frustrated states in the chromatic theory of gain graphs. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS, 30, (1), 133-156.
  52. Glanzel, W., Janssens, F., Thijs, B. (2009): A comparative analysis of publication activity and citation impact based on the core literature in bioinformatics SCIENTOMETRICS, 79, 109-129.
  53. Antiqueira, L., Oliveira, O.N., Costa, L.D., et al. (2009): A complex network approach to text summarization. INFORMATION SCIENCES, 179, 5, 584-599.
  55. Durbach, I.N., Naidoo, D., Mouton, J. (2008): Co-authorship networks in South African chemistry and mathematics. SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, 104, 487-492.
  56. Abell, P., Ludwig, M. (2009): Structural Balance: A Dynamic Perspective. JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SOCIOLOGY, 33, 129-155.
  57. Hamberger, K., Houseman, M., Grange, C. (2009): Kinship under the Microscope: A New Software for the Analysis of Matrimonial Networks. HOMME, 191, 107-137.
  58. Brusco, M., Steinley, D. (2010): K-Balance Partitioning: An Exact Method With Applications to Generalized Structural Balance and Other Psychological Contexts. PSYCHOLOGICAL METHODS,15, 145-157.
  59. Traag, V.A., Bruggeman, J. (2010): Community detection in networks with positive and negative links. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 80.
  60. Ohniwa, R.L., Hibino, A., Takeyasu, K. (2010): Trends in research foci in life science fields over the last 30 years monitored by emerging topics. SCIENTOMETRICS, 85, 111-127.
  61. Park, I., Lee, K.H., Lee D (2010): Inference of combinatorial Boolean rules of synergistic gene sets from cancer microarray datasets. BIOINFORMATICS, 26, 1506-1512.
  62. Zhang, L., Liu, X.H., Janssens, F., et al. (2010): Title: Subject clustering analysis based on ISI category classification. JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 4, 185-193.
  63. Zhang, L., Janssens, F., Liang, L.M., et al. (2010): Journal cross-citation analysis for validation and improvement of journal-based subject classification in bibliometric research. SCIENTOMETRICS, 82, 687-706.
  64. Frenkel, Z.M., Trifonov, E.N., et al. (2010): Structural relatedness via flow networks in protein sequence space. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY, 260, 438-444.
  65. Zhang, L., Glanzel, W., Liang, L.M. (2010): Tracing the role of individual journals in a cross-citation network based on different indicators. SCIENTOMETRICS, 81, 821-838.