- Monographs
- de Nooy, W., Mrvar, A., and Batagelj, V. (2005):
Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek.
New York: Cambridge University Press.
- de Nooy, W., Mrvar, A., and Batagelj, V. (2009):
Tokyo: Tokyo Denki University Press.
- de Nooy, W., Mrvar, A., and Batagelj, V. (2011):
Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek: Revised and Expanded. 2nd Edition.
New York: Cambridge University Press.
- de Nooy, W., Mrvar, A., and Batagelj, V. (2012):
蜘蛛:社会网络分析技术. Beijing World Publishing Corporation.
- de Nooy, W., Mrvar, A., and Batagelj, V. (2018):
Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek: Revised and Expanded Edition for Updated Software. Third Edition.
New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Chapter in a Monograph
- Batagelj, V. and Mrvar, A. (2003):
Pajek - analysis and visualization of large networks.
In: M. Juenger and P. Mutzel (Eds.): Graph Drawing Software.
Springer (series Mathematics and Visualization), 77-103.
- Roter, P., Ferligoj, A. and Mrvar, A. (2009):
State support for human rights treaties.
In: T.J. Volgy, Z. Šabič, P. Roter, A.K. Gerlak (Eds.): Mapping The New World Order.
Malden: Wiley-Blackwell, 174-216.
- Batagelj, V. and Mrvar, A. (2014):
Pajek. In: R. Alhajj and J. Rokne (Eds.): Encyclopedia of social network analysis and mining.
Springer, 1245-1256.
- Mrvar, A. and Podnar, K. (2016):
Semantic Network Analysis. In: Craig E. Carroll (Ed.): The SAGE Encyclopedia of Corporate Reputation.
Sage, 735-742.
- Batagelj, V. and Mrvar, A. (2017):
Pajek and PajekXXL. In: R. Alhajj and J. Rokne (Eds.): Encyclopedia of social network analysis and mining. 2nd Ed.
- Traag, V., Doreian, P., and Mrvar, A. (2020):
Partitioning signed networks. In: Doreian, P., Batagelj, V., and Ferligoj, A. (Eds.): Advances in Network Clustering and Blockmodeling.
Chapter 8, Wiley.
- Doreian, P. and Mrvar, A. (2021):
The international reach of the Koch brothers network. In: Antonyuk, A. and Basov N. (Eds.):
Networks in the Global World V. NetGloW 2020. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems,
181, 225-235. Springer.
- Doreian, P. and Mrvar, A. (2022):
The Koch Brothers and the climate change denial social movement. Handbook of Anti-Environmentalism,
- Publications (papers, conference contributions)
- Mrvar, A. (1995): Comparison of Different Decision Making Approaches.
In: Ferligoj, A. and Kramberger, A. (Eds.):
Contributions to Methodology and Statistics.
Metodološki zvezki, 10, Ljubljana: FDV, 195-203.
- Batagelj, V. and Mrvar, A. (1995): Risanje grafov in omrežij.
In: Zbornik posvetovanja, Dnevi Slovenske Informatike, 113-118.
Portorož, Slovenia, April 12 - 14, 1995.
- Doreian, P. and Mrvar, A. (1996): A Partitioning Approach to Structural
Balance. Social Networks, 18. 149-168.
- Mrvar, A. and Batagelj, V. (1996): Trirazsežne predstavitve podatkov.
In: Zbornik posvetovanja, Dnevi Slovenske Informatike, 149-154.
Portorož, Slovenia, April 17 - 20, 1996.
- Doreian, P. and Mrvar, A. (1996):
Structural Balance and Partitioning Signed Graphs.
In: Ferligoj, A. and Kramberger, A. (Eds.):
Developments in Data Analysis.
Metodološki zvezki, 12, Ljubljana: FDV, 195-208.
- Kropivnik, S., Mrvar, A. (1996): An Analysis of the Slovenian
Parliamentary Political Parties Network.
In: Ferligoj, A. and Kramberger, A. (Eds.):
Developments in Data Analysis.
Metodološki zvezki, 12, Ljubljana: FDV, 209-216.
- Kramberger, A. and Mrvar, A. (1996): Geografski premiki
prednikov sodobnih slovenskih elit.
In: Kramberger, A. (Ed.): Slovenska država družba in javnost.
Zbornik ob 35-letnici Fakultete za družbene vede.
Ljubljana: FDV, 177-194.
- Batagelj, V. and Mrvar, A. (1997): Predstavitve obsežnih omrežij.
In: Zbornik posvetovanja, Dnevi Slovenske Informatike, 200-205.
Portorož, Slovenia, April 9 - 12, 1997.
- Batagelj, V. and Mrvar, A. (1997): Visualization of Multivariate
Data Using 3D and VR Presentations.
Proceedings of Indo - French Workshop on Symbolic Data Analysis
and its Applications. Paris, France, September 23 - 25, 1997.
Vol I, p. 66-76.
- Mrvar, A. and Batagelj, V. (1997): Pajek - program za analizo
obsežnih omrežij. Uporaba v rodoslovju.
Drevesa. Bilten slovenskega rodoslovnega društva.
Letnik 4, številka 12, 4-6.
- Mrvar, A. and Batagelj, V. (1998): Analiza rodovnikov s programom Pajek.
In: Zbornik posvetovanja, Dnevi Slovenske Informatike, 118-125.
Portorož, Slovenia, May 6 - 9, 1998.
- Batagelj, V. and Mrvar, A. (1998): VR Visualization of Multivariate
In: Ferligoj, A. (Ed.): Advances in Methodology, Data Analysis, and Statistics.
Metodološki zvezki, 14, Ljubljana: FDV, 37-47.
- Batagelj, V. and Mrvar, A. (1998): Analiza velikih omrežij
s programom Pajek. Uporabna informatika. 1998,
številka 3, 25-31.
- Batagelj, V. and Mrvar, A. (1998):
Pajek -- A Program for Large Network Analysis.
Connections, 21(2), 47-57.
- Batagelj, V., Mrvar, A., and Zaveršnik, M. (1999):
Analiza in prikaz velikih omrežij s programom Pajek.
In: Zbornik posvetovanja, Dnevi Slovenske Informatike, 526-534.
Portorož, Slovenia, April 21 - 24, 1999.
- White, D. R., Batagelj, V., and Mrvar, A. (1999):
Analyzing Large Kinship and Marriage Networks with Pgraph and Pajek.
Social Science Computer Review -- SSCORE, 17(3), 245-274.
- Mrvar, A. and Batagelj, V. (1999):
Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks using Program Pajek.
In: Zbornik mednarodne multi-konference Information Society 1999, 28-36.
Ljubljana, October 12 - 14, 1999,
- Batagelj, V., Mrvar, A., and Zaveršnik, M. (1999):
Partitioning Approach to Visualization of Large Graphs.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1731.
90-97. Springer-Verlag.
Proceedings of Graph Drawing - 7th International Symposium, GD'99,
Stirin Castle, Czeck Republic, September 15-19, 1999.
- Dremelj, P., Mrvar, A., and Batagelj, V. (1999):
Rodovnik dubrovniških plemiških družin med 12. in 16. stoletjem.
Drevesa. Bilten slovenskega rodoslovnega društva.
Letnik 6, številka 1-4, 4-11.
- Mrvar, A. and Batagelj, V. (2000): Dinamični prikazi omrežij.
In: Zbornik posvetovanja, Dnevi Slovenske Informatike, 137-142.
Portorož, April 19 - 22, 2000.
- Batagelj, V. and Mrvar, A. (2000): Some Analyses of Erdos Collaboration Graph.
Social Networks, 22, 173-186.
- Mrvar, A. and Batagelj, V. (2000): Relational Calculator - A Tool for Analyzing Social Networks.
In: Ferligoj, A. and Mrvar, A. (Eds.): New Approaches in Applied Statistics.
Metodološki zvezki, 16, Ljubljana: FDV, 63-76.
- Mrvar, A. (2001): Analiza velikih socialnih omrežij.
Družboslovne razprave.
Ljubljana: Slovensko sociološko društvo,
Fakulteta za družbene vede Univerze v Ljubljani,
april 2001, XVII, 36, 9-22.
- Batagelj, V. and Mrvar, A. (2001): A Subquadratic Triad Census
Algorithm for Large Sparse Networks with Small Maximum Degree.
Social Networks, 23, 237-243.
- Mrvar, A. (2001):
Priprava slik in iskanje zanimivih vzorcev porok v rodovniku s programom Pajek.
Drevesa. Bilten slovenskega rodoslovnega društva.
Letnik 8, številka 4, 32.
- Batagelj, V. and Mrvar, A. (2002):
Pajek - Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2265.
477-478. Springer-Verlag.
Proceedings of Graph Drawing - 9th International Symposium, GD2001,
Vienna, Austria, September 23-26, 2001. Revised Papers.
- Dremelj, P., Mrvar, A., and Batagelj, V. (2002):
Analiza rodoslova Dubrovačkog vlasteoskog kruga pomoču programa Pajek
(Genealogical Analysis of the Ragusan Patriciate with the Assistance of
the Pajek Computer Program).
Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije
znanosti i umjetnosti, XL, 105-126,
in Croatian.
- Batagelj, V., Mrvar, A., and Zaveršnik, M. (2002):
Network Analysis of Dictionaries.
Proceedings of the 5th Internatonal Multi-Conference Informatin Society -
Language Technologies. Ljubljana, October 14 - 15, 2002.
B, 135-142.
- Batagelj, V., Mrvar, A., and Zaveršnik, M. (2002):
Network Analysis of Texts.
Proceedings of the 5th Internatonal Multi-Conference Informatin Society -
Language Technologies. Ljubljana, October 14 - 15, 2002.
B, 143-148.
- Mrvar, A., Batagelj, V., and Zaveršnik, M. (2003):
Analiza slovarskih grafov.
In: Zbornik posvetovanja, Dnevi Slovenske Informatike, 589-596.
Portorož, April 16 - 18, 2003.
- Zaveršnik, M., Batagelj, V., and Mrvar, A. (2004):
Nova pristopa k analizi omrežij.
In: Zbornik posvetovanja, Dnevi Slovenske Informatike, 614-618.
Portorož, April 14 - 16, 2004.
- Mrvar, A. and Batagelj, V. (2004): Relinking Marriages in Genealogies.
Metodološki zvezki - Advances in Methodology and Statistics, 1, Ljubljana: FDV, 407-418.
- Batagelj, V., Mrvar, A., Ferligoj, A., and Doreian, P. (2004):
Generalized Blockmodeling with Pajek.
Metodološki zvezki - Advances in Methodology and Statistics, 1, Ljubljana: FDV, 455-467.
- Batagelj, V. and Mrvar, A. (2004):
Pajek - Program for Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks.
Timeshift - The World in Twenty-Five Years,
242-251. Ars Electronica, Linz, 2004.
- Mrvar, A. and Batagelj, V. (2005):
Prepletenost porok v rodovnikih.
In: Zbornik posvetovanja, Dnevi Slovenske Informatike, 429-435.
Portorož, April 13 - 15, 2005.
- Batagelj, V., Mrvar, A., and Zaveršnik, M. (2005):
Analiza slovarja ODLIS s programom Pajek. Organizacija znanja.
Maribor: IZUM, 59-64.
- Batagelj, V. and Mrvar, A. (2006):
Množenje omrežij 1: Sorodstvene relacije rodovnikih.
In: Zbornik posvetovanja, Dnevi Slovenske Informatike.
Portorož, April 19 - 21, 2006.
- Batagelj, V. and Mrvar, A. (2006):
Množenje omrežij 2: Omrežja iz podatkovnih tabel.
In: Zbornik posvetovanja, Dnevi Slovenske Informatike.
Portorož, April 19 - 21, 2006.
- Brvar, D., Mrvar, A., and Batagelj, V. (2006):
Dinamični prikaz časovnih omrežij.
In: Zbornik posvetovanja, Dnevi Slovenske Informatike.
Portorož, April 19 - 21, 2006.
- Brvar, D., Mrvar, A., and Batagelj, V. (2006):
Dinamični prikaz časovnih omrežij. Uporabna informatika. 2006,
številka 3, 147-153.
- Ahmed, A., Batagelj, V., Fu, X., Hong, S.-H., Merrick, D., and Mrvar, A. (2007):
Visualisation and analysis of the Internet movie database.
Asia-Pacific Symposium on Visualisation 2007 (IEEE Cat. No. 07EX1615), 17-24.
- Žerdin, A.H. and Mrvar, A. (2007): Spremembe v notranjem krogu omrežja
slovenske ekonomske elite v letih 2004-2006.
Družboslovne razprave.
55, 7-25.
- Batagelj, V. and Mrvar, A. (2008):
Analysis of kinship relations with Pajek.
Social Science Computer Review - SSCORE, 26(2), 224-246.
- Doreian, P. and Mrvar, A. (2009): Partitioning signed social networks.
Social Networks, 31. 1-11.
- Mrvar, A. and Doreian, P. (2009): Partitioning signed two-mode networks.
Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 33. 196-221.
- Škerlavaj, M., Dimovski, V., Mrvar, A., and Pahor, M. (2010):
Intra-organizational learning networks within knowledge-intensive learning environments.
Interactive Learning Environments, 18, 39-63.
- Brusco, M., Doreian, P., Mrvar, A., and Steinley, D. (2011): Two algorithms for relaxed structural balance partitioning:
linking theory, models, and data to understand social network phenomena. Sociological Methods and Research, 40, 57-87.
- Brusco, M., Doreian, P., Mrvar, A., and Steinley, D. (2013): An exact algorithm for blockmodeling of two-mode network data.
Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 37. 61-84.
- Doreian, P., Lloyd, P., and Mrvar, A. (2013): Partitioning large signed two-mode networks: Problems and prospects.
Social Networks, 35. 178-203.
- Doreian, P. and Mrvar, A. (2014): Testing two theories for generating signed networks using real data.
Metodološki zvezki - Advances in Methodology and Statistics, 11, Ljubljana: FDV, 31-63.
- Doreian, P. and Mrvar, A. (2015): Structural Balance and Signed International Relations.
Journal of Social Structure, 16, Pittsburgh: Carnegie Mellon University. Online.
- Mrvar, A. (2015):
Uporaba nekaterih metod analize omrežij v rodoslovju.
Drevesa. Bilten slovenskega rodoslovnega društva, 22, 4-10.
- Doreian, P. and Mrvar, A. (2016):
Identifying fragments in networks for structural balance and tracking the levels of balance over time.
Connections, 35(2), 6-18.
- Mrvar, A. and Batagelj, V. (2016):
Analysis and visualization of large networks with program package Pajek.
Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling, 4:6. SpringerOpen.
- Georgiou, I., Heck, J., and Mrvar, A. (2019):
The Analysis of Interconnected Decision Areas: A Computational Approach to Finding All Feasible Solutions.
Group Decision and Negotiation. Springer Nature, 28(3), 543-563.
- Doreian, P. and Mrvar, A. (2019):
Signed Networks for the US Supreme Court Overturning its Prior Decisions.
Connections, 39(1), 1-14.
- Babič, M., Marina, N., Mrvar, A., Dookhitram, K., and Cali, M. (2019):
A New Method for Biostatistical miRNA Pattern Recognition with Topological Properties of Visibility Graphs in 3D Space.
Journal of Healthcare Engineering, Article ID 4373760, 9 pages.
- Georgiou, I., Concer, R., and Mrvar, A. (2020):
A Systemic Approach to Sociometric Group Research: Advancing The Work of Leslie Day Zeleny, 1939-1947.
Social Networks. 63, 174-200.
- Doreian, P. and Mrvar, A. (2020):
Delineating Changes in the Fundamental Structure of Signed Networks.
Frontiers in Physics, Article 294, 1-11.
- Doreian, P. and Mrvar, A. (2021):
Hubs and Authorities in the Koch Brothers Network.
Social Networks. 64, 148-157.
- Doreian, P. and Mrvar, A. (2022):
Public issues, policy proposals, social movements, and the interests of the Koch Brothers network of allies.
Quality and Quantity. 56, 305-322. Online.
- Editor
- Journals:
- Proceedings:
- Ferligoj, A. and Mrvar, A. (Eds.): Developments in Survey Methodology.
Metodološki zvezki, 15, Ljubljana: FDV, 2000.
- Ferligoj, A. and Mrvar, A. (Eds.): New Approaches in Applied Statistics.
Metodološki zvezki, 16, Ljubljana: FDV, 2000.
- Mrvar, A. and Ferligoj, A. (Eds.): Developments in Statistics.
Metodološki zvezki, 17, Ljubljana: FDV, 2002.
- Ferligoj, A. and Mrvar, A. (Eds.): Developments in Social Science Methodology.
Metodološki zvezki, 18, Ljubljana: FDV, 2002.
- Ferligoj, A. and Mrvar, A. (Eds.): Developments in Applied Statistics.
Metodološki zvezki, 19, Ljubljana: FDV, 2003.
- Mrvar, A. (Ed.): Proceedings of the Seventh Young Statisticians Meeting.
Metodološki zvezki, 21, Ljubljana: FDV, 2003.