Assignments ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Students of different classes were asked several questions - the networks are already prepared and ready ti use. All of them studied Sociology, Social Science Informatics, Faculty of Social Sciences, Ljubljana. Students knew each other very well. Men have label 'm' and are drawn as squares (boxes), women have label 'z' and are drawn as circles (ellipses). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suppose you have a birthday next week and you organize a party. Whom would you like to invite to the party? Choose as many students as you wish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suppose there will be an organized trip by bus next week. With whom would you like to sit on the neighboring seats? Choose as many students as you wish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whom would you select to inform you about important news in school, if you were out of school because of illness? Choose as many students as you wish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sometimes you cannot be present at the lectures. From whom would you like to borrow the teaching material? Choose as many students as you wish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- With whom do you discuss important personal issues? Choose as many students as you wish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From whom would you borrow small amount of money (e.g. 20 EUR)? Choose as many students as you wish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suppose you have a birthday next week and you organize a party. Whom would you like to invite to the party? Choose as many students as you wish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suppose there will be an organized trip by bus next week. With whom would you like to sit on the neighboring seats? Choose as many students as you wish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whom would you select to inform you about important news in school, if you were out of school because of illness? Choose as many students as you wish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sometimes you cannot be present at the lectures. From whom would you like to borrow the teaching material? Choose as many students as you wish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- With whom do you discuss important personal issues? Choose as many students as you wish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From whom would you borrow small amount of money (e.g. 20 EUR)? Choose as many students as you wish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whom would you select to inform you about assignments and tests in school, if you were out of school because of illness? Choose as many students as you wish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From whom would you borrow small amount of money (e.g. 30 EUR)? Choose as many students as you wish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sometimes you cannot be present at the lectures. From whom would you like to learn the news from school? Choose as many students as you wish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suppose you will organize a party next week. Whom would you like to invite to the party? Choose as many students as you wish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suppose there will be an organized trip by bus next week. With whom would you like to sit on the neighboring seats? Choose as many students as you wish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- With whom do you discuss your secrets? Choose as many students as you wish. -------------------------------------------------------------------------