

About Metodološki zvezki 21

A. Baldi Antognini:
'Optimal' Randomized Designs for Sequential Experiments with Two Treatments
 Abstract    3
M.C. Martini:
Professional Benchmarking of Degrees at the University of Padua
 Abstract 15
G. Molnar-Saska:
Analysis of the Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of Hidden Markov Models
 Abstract 37
E. Novelli:
A Markovian Model for Investment Analysis in Advertising
 Abstract 43
I. Ograjenšek:
Use of Customer Data Analysis in Continuous Quality Improvement of Service Processes
 Abstract 51
M. Raič:
Normal Approximation by Stein's Method
 Abstract 71
G. Šega:
Stochastic Growth Models
 Abstract 99
J. Walde:
Valid Statistical Inference Based on Feedforward Artificial Neural Network Models
 Abstract 111